10 Best Inspirational Books For Women To Add To Your Shelf

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No matter where you are in your life, there’s always room for self development and improvement. While most aren’t looking for self-help books, what we are looking for a list of the best motivational books for when we’re feeling in a mental slump. We’re rounding up 10 of our favorite good reads for women when we’re in the mood to crack open a new book.

best inspirational books for women choosing me before we

Image: Amazon

Choosing ME Before WE: Every Woman's Guide to Life and Love

Christine Arylo

Think of Choosing ME before WE as a close chat with your girlfriend. Christine Arylo teaches women to stop settling and start exploring what they really want in not only themselves, but in their relationships as well. Arylo helps you challenge yourself to change bad habits and self-sabotage by sharing real life experiences.

best inspirational books for women brilliant burnout

Image: Amazon

Brilliant Burnout: How Successful, Driven Women Can Stay in the Game by Rewiring Their Bodies, Brains, and Hormones

Nisha Jackson, PHD

Feeling burnt out? It could be hormonal. Nisha Jackson shares insights to help women take control of their bodies with step-by-step instructions for optimal hormone, brain, and body balance.

best inspirational books for women own your everyday

Image: Amazon

Own Your Everyday: Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do

Jordan Lee Dooley

Based on the tagline , “Your Brokenness is Welcome Here,” Jordan Dooley has become a go-to source that women around the world look to for inspiration. Looking to shift your mindset, but don’t know how? This book helps you tackle life’s obstacles—disappointment, perfectionism, and more—and remove labels. Identify and eliminate your excuses and overcome the idea that you can’t reach your goals.

best inspirational books for women brave enough

Image: Amazon

Brave Enough

Cheryl Strayed

From Cheryl Strayed, best-selling author of Wild, is Brave Enough, a collection of quotes, that capture courage, wisdom and outspoken humor. Consider this a “mini manual for the soul",” that encourages its readers to have love, compassion, and forgiveness for all.

best inspirational books for women you are a badass

Image: Amazon

You Are a Bad^*s: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Jen Sincero

Best-selling author, Jen Sincero, delivers chapters worth of inspiring stories and advice, including the occasional curse word. Her goal is to help you create a life you love and create it now.

“By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.” - Amazon

best inspirational books for women present over perfect

Image: Amazon

Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living

Shauna Niequist

New York Times bestselling author, Shauna Niequist, writes an honest account of how she left behind busyness and frantic living in search of a more mindful life. She encourages you to let go of the constant pressure of perfectionism and practice simply being present.

Present Over Perfect is a hand reaching out, pulling you free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder, and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection.”

best inspirational books for women the subtle art of not giving a F

Image: Amazon

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*%k

Mark Manson

In a world where positivity is pushed, Mark Mason’s book is a raw, honest look at life—and he doesn’t sugarcoat it.

Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek. There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear.” - Amazon

best inspirational books for women daring greatly

Image: Amazon

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead

Brené Brown

Written by the incomparable Brené Brown, Daring Greatly helps dispel the myth that vulnerability is weakness. In fact, she argues that it is the “most accurate measure of courage.”

“Daring Greatly is not about winning or losing. It’s about courage. In a world where “never enough” dominates and feeling afraid has become second nature, vulnerability is subversive. Uncomfortable. It’s even a little dangerous at times. And, without question, putting ourselves out there means there’s a far greater risk of getting criticized or feeling hurt. But when we step back and examine our lives, we will find that nothing is as uncomfortable, dangerous, and hurtful as standing on the outside of our lives looking in and wondering what it would be like if we had the courage to step into the arena—whether it’s a new relationship, an important meeting, the creative process, or a difficult family conversation. Daring Greatly is a practice and a powerful new vision for letting ourselves be seen.”

best inspirational books for women loveable

Image: Amazon

Loveable: Embracing What Is Truest About You, So You Can Truly Embrace Your Life

Kelly Flanagan

Loveable was written with one message in mind: You are enough. From years of clinical work, Dr. Flanagan shares his insights into the human mind. He continually reminds us that we are here for a reason, but only if we are ready to embrace our true self.


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