15 Minute Upper Body Workout Without Weights

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Finishing a good upper body workout can be one of the most satisfying days at the gym! However, upper body workouts can also be incredibly boring, especially if you are not in the mood to workout. Even worse, doing an upper body workout at home can be a challenge, as many require large gym machines or heavy, bulky equipment.

This 15 minute workout is a series of upper body exercises that you can do quickly and easily in the comfort of your own home. In fact, the entire workout is bodyweight only, meaning that this workout is a perfect choice for beginners.

Quick bodyweight workouts like this are the perfect option to allow you to get up from your desk at lunch, break a sweat, and return feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day.

Plus, this workout can be done just about anywhere that you can place a yoga mat! Try incorporating these upper body exercises as a standalone workout routine, after a cardio session, or even as part of a larger upper body workout set. The choice is yours!

15 Minute Upper Body Workout At Home


5-10 minute warmup, such as walking or active stretching.


Since each exercise is performed for one minute, take your time going through each movement. If this is your first time doing a workout like this, rest as needed.

Upper Body Exercise List

Perform each exercise for one minute, with no rest in between. Repeat three times.

Tricep Dips

How-to: Start with your to a table or chair, placing both palms on the surface just outside of your hips, elbows facing behind you, fingertips pointed forward. Bend your elbows to lower yourself down, trying to bring the arms to 90 degrees, then press back up.

Form tip: Keep the arms pinched to the sides and the elbows pointed back, not flared to the sides. As you lower yourself down, keep your back as parallel with the chair or flat surface as possible to get the maximum benefit from this exercise.

Modification: If you do not have a flat surface or chair, you can do this exercise on your mat. Sit, with your hands on either side of your hips, slightly behind you, elbows pointed back, fingertips forward, and legs long. Press backwards into your arms, bending your elbows and then press upwards for a tricep dip on your mat.


How-to: Start in a hand plank, with shoulders stacked over wrists and body in one line. Arms should just be slightly outside of your shoulders, with your elbows pointed at 45 degrees behind you. Slowly lower down, engaging your core to keep your body in one line, until your chest presses the mat. On your exhale, press back up to the starting position.

Form tip: Keep your spine long and your core tight and lower your body in one line, avoiding arching through your back.

Modification: Drop to your knees if you have sensitive wrists or are not yet strong enough to do full range pushups. Focus on getting the full range of motion first.

Challenge: Change the positioning of your hands. A more narrow stance, will work your triceps more. You can also try diamond shaped pushups, or hand-release pushups, to challenge yourself. Get creative!

Plank Walk Ups

How-to: Start in a forearm plank. Slowly “walk up” to the pushup position by lifting your shoulders to get onto your hands. Slowly lower back down into the forearm position. Continue to alternate.

Form tip: Keep your body as still as possible while you transition from push up position to forearm. Go as slowly as you need to and focus on keeping your core tight.

Modification: Drop to your knees to take pressure off of sensitive wrists.


How-to: Start in the standing position. Slowly walk your hands out, without bending your knees, to a pushup position. Then, press your hips upwards and slowly walk backwards until you are in a standing position.Continue alternating.

Form tip: use the strength in your shoulders and core to keep your body as straight as possible and avoid bending at the knees unless absolutely necessary.

Decline Pushups

How-to: Using a chair, couch, or raised surface, place your feet on the edge and start in a pushup position, with the shoulders stacked over the hands. Slowly lower down as you would in a traditional pushup.

Form tip: This pushup variation will put added strain on your wrist, so it is extra important to keep your core and body as straight as possible.

Modification: Completely reverse the pushups and do them on an incline (hands on the raised surface instead of feet) or, do another pushup variation, such as tricep pushups if you did regular pushups above.


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