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Considering An Online Workout Subscription? Here's What You Need To Know

In recent years, the fitness world has transformed from the age-old sweaty weight racks at your local gym to a wide range of fitness options, including online workout programs—with both live or recorded classes—as well as boutique fitness studios. Since the pandemic, the way in which you work out has likely taken a new shape: podcast or meditation walks, ventilated hot yoga studios, or class size limitations, to name a few.

As more people seek convenient and accessible ways to stay fit, especially with a smaller risk of becoming sick, the variety of online and in-app fitness programs has grown. We’re here to help you decipher if an online workout is the right fit for you and which programs to trust when it comes to your goals and movement preferences.

Finding What You Like: Setting Your Goals And Understanding Your Preferences

Embarking on the journey of online workouts necessitates a look inward to determine if virtual fitness is even an option for you. If you thrive on flexibility in your exercise routine, appreciate the convenience of working out from home, and value a broad array of workout styles, then online fitness may be an ideal fit. It’s also great during cold months because you don’t have to brave low temperatures as well as busy times of the day because you can avoid heavy traffic. Plus, those who may feel more comfortable starting at their own pace, away from the potentially intimidating atmosphere of a gym, could benefit from the privacy that online workouts provide.

However, online fitness programs aren’t a fit for everyone. They require a stable internet connection, which can sometimes be hard to come by. These programs also don’t provide space or materials, so you’ll need to have your own equipment at home (even if that means improvising with what you already have), and you’ll need enough space in your home to move, probably at least the size of two yoga mats. 

When it comes to setting and working toward fitness goals, there are endless tailored programs to suit various needs. Catering to different fitness levels, interests, and health conditions, the accessibility of specialized programs stands apart from a traditional personal trainer at your local gym. Basically: if you know what you’re looking for, there’s an online program that has it.

Before we dive into some of the most popular online workout platforms available, take a few minutes to identify your personal fitness goals. Are you looking to build strength, increase your endurance, or improve your flexibility? Do you have a desire for better mobility and more efficient breathing? Are you training for a race or looking to stay fit during an off-season? Assessing your preferred workout styles, intensity levels, and program flexibility will provide a clear roadmap for your fitness journey.

Things To Consider When Looking For Online Workout Programs

What type of classes are you looking for? 

Are there certain types of classes you like–maybe yoga or pilates? Or, do you want a large selection of classes that are tailored to different muscle groups or themed workouts?

What equipment do you have available to you? 

Online workouts mean that you’re on your own when it comes to props. Make sure you have what you need before you press play, whether it be a yoga mat and blocks or dumbbells and resistance bands. And remember, there are plenty of body-weight exercises and classes, too, so you don’t need to go on a shopping spree to break a sweat. 

How much time are you looking to commit? 

One of the best things about online workouts is that you can press play whenever you’re ready: while you’re baking dinner, between meetings, or while your coffee brews before work. If you want on-demand classes, make sure the program you select has class lengths that work with your schedule. If you’re looking for live class options, check to see if the available times fit into your schedule and make sure you know which time zone they’re in!

What do you look for in a teacher?

Some people prefer to learn from certain types of teachers, whether it be a gender preference, specific types of cues, or physical training knowledge. Some teachers have great playlists; some teachers just don’t work for everyone. Keep this in mind as you peruse online programs. 

How much are you able to spend?

Analyzing available costs and plans–and exploring free trials, discounts, and cancellation policies–is important when it comes to signing up for a subscription-based program. If you’re looking for a lower commitment, try a free trial or one-off drop-in classes first. 

Browsing Online Workouts: What’s Out There?

Whether you have a checklist of what you want or you’re ready to research, we’ll help you choose an online workout platform or subscription that works for you. As you explore these platforms, consider comparing features, the variety of workouts, instructors, and user experiences. If you hate the app, that might keep you from using it to improve your health. Here are our top recommendations:


Offerings: Its live and on-demand classes for cycling, running, strength training, meditation and many others create one of the largest workout libraries available. 

Perks: The brand’s high-quality equipment syncs to give you live stats during your workout. You can also use the app without the bike or treadmill to interact with community and top-notch instructors wherever you are (or with whatever equipment you have).


  • Expensive equipment (if you choose to purchase)

  • Higher monthly subscription

Nike Training Club

Offerings: This app has some of the most diverse workout programs for different fitness levels and goals, and offers a balance of strength, endurance, yoga, and mobility workouts.

Perks: The user-friendly app, personalized training plans, and a variety of workout styles make this program stand out.


  • Premium features require payment

  • Not as extensive as other workout platforms

Obe Fitness

Offerings: Live and on-demand classes covering various workout styles, including dance, HIIT, and strength training.

Perks: Interactive classes, energetic instructors, and a sense of community. Classes can be done with minimal equipment or with what you have.


  • Limited class variety compared to larger platforms

Sky Ting

Offerings: On-demand and live yoga classes with a focus on mindful movement and breath. The bright, plant-filled studio is energizing and the instructors are diverse, knowledgeable, and friendly. 

Perks: There is an emphasis on well-being, it’s accessible for all levels, and there are unique classes that blend traditional yoga with modern techniques.


  • Limited interactive features

  • Fewer high-intensity workouts


Offerings: This is primarily a social platform for tracking and sharing outdoor activities, especially running and cycling.

Perks: It’s community-driven: users can join challenges, track performance, and connect with other athletes. Plus, it integrates with various fitness devices.


  • Premium features require a subscription

  • Limited strength training or indoor workout options


Offerings: Pilates-based workouts led by the popular fitness influencer, Cassey Ho.

Perks: There is engaging and cheerful instruction, no need for special equipment, and a variety of workout plans. Blogilates also provides challenges and meal plans on the app or Ho’s blog.


  • The free version has ads

  • Limited customization of workout plans

Range by Kara Duval

Offerings: This platform features mindful fitness classes of all lengths with a focus on functional movement and holistic wellness.

Perks: Range combines strength training, yoga, mobility work, and intuitive movement. The classes are sorted into different playlists and groups to help you find what you’re looking for.


  • Personalized coaching may require an additional fee

  • Smaller community compared to larger platforms


Offerings: This app has customizable workout plans for various fitness goals and preferences.

Perks: There is flexibility in choosing workout duration and intensity. There’s also no requirement for equipment, and the app has a user-friendly interface. 


  • The free version has ads

  • Some features may be restricted to the premium subscription

Online Communities That Motivate You

In the realm of online workouts, fostering a sense of community is not only possible, but invigorating. Many platforms include features like leaderboards, where participants can track and compare their progress, creating a friendly—yet competitive—atmosphere. Interactive elements, like real-time chat and virtual high-fives, allow users to connect with others, including people you know in real life if you sync up your workout plans. Curated playlists and the option to choose your own background music can also make a virtual class feel like an inclusive, familiar, and community-driven experience.

One of the advantages of online workouts is the availability of specialized programs catering to different fitness levels, interests, and health conditions. Whether you're a beginner, an advanced fitness enthusiast, or managing specific health goals or concerns, there are programs designed to work with you to feel better. From beginner-friendly routines breaking down fundamental exercises to advanced challenges of endurance and strength, these online platforms offer personalized options fit for your own fitness journey.

You can also find programs crafted to address general wellness needs, like stress reduction through meditation or rehabilitation through targeted stretches. The flexibility of online fitness programs creates an environment where you can meet your fitness goals in a convenient and empowering way—all in the comfort of your home!