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12 Tricks to Stop Pressing the Early Morning Snooze Button

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In a world where “the hustle” is often praised and rewarded, we often forget that sleep is one of the most important factors for maintaining our mental and physical health. Not only will you be able to “hustle” harder the next day, your overall health will improve in the long run.

Our Top Tricks to Help You Stop Hitting Snooze

Sleep is incredible for us in many ways. However, sometimes sleep just feels too good and will leave you trapped under your warm covers when you need to get up for work or school. Here are a few ways to stop hitting the snooze button and start having the motivation to get up.

Commit to a Routine

Plan a morning routine and stick to it! Decide what exactly you will do from the moment you wake up and then make it non-negotiable. Often, when we find ourselves staying in bed, it’s because our morning routine is scrambled and requires a lot of our attention to get started. From the moment we wake up, there’s a ton of decisions that we have to make. This can feel overwhelming and leave us trapped in the safety of our covers. By having that morning routine, you have less decisions you have to make. Getting ready for work becomes an autopilot task. 

Set up the routine and practice it until it becomes second nature. This will keep you from having decision fatigue and will express your mornings. Try having 3 set things you do right in the morning. This will allow you to flawlessly get out of bed, get moving, and get started with your day.

Get into Bed Earlier

There is current research that states time spent in bed is just as valuable as the time spent sleeping. Even if you aren’t going to sleep at 9pm, you should start winding down 1-2 hours before you plan to go to sleep. It’s okay to watch your favorite show or read a book during this wind down time. 

However, you want to avoid scrolling social media because feeds like Instagram and Facebook are designed to keep us engaged. Not only that, but the blue light that’s emitted from our phone only a few inches away from us can mess with our circadian rhythm, making it more difficult to fall asleep.  

Have Something to Look Forward to

Life can get extremely monotonous if you let it. It can be hard to get out of bed in the morning when you know that all that lies ahead is another work day. Have something in the morning that gets you excited and wanting to get out of bed!

This can be anything that breaks that typical routine. Try picking out a cute outfit that excites you the night before. That way, in the morning, you’ll look forward to the change of usual garments. Or, set up a coffee or breakfast routine that you want to jump out of bed for. You can also start a new Netflix series and agree to watch some of it in the morning. The options are endless for the little things you can add to your day to spice up your routine and get you hopping out of bed. 

Set Your Phone Across the Room

If you use the alarm on your phone, don’t sleep right beside it. Not only will this help you fall asleep faster, (because you won’t be tempted to scroll through social media) you’ll also have to actually get up to turn the alarm off. Once you’re out of bed, you’re less likely to hit snooze and fall back into bed. 

Warm up the Room

Nothing is worse than having to leave your warm cocoon of a bed to venture out into the cold of your home. If you have a thermostat that can be timed, set it to warm up an hour before you wake up. This will make it easier to escape the comfort of your bed. If you don’t have a timed thermostat, keep a warm robe or sweatshirt next to your bed to throw on as soon as you get up. 

Practice Makes Perfect

Train your brain to not touch the snooze button when the alarm goes off. Often, it’s our instinct to press snooze right when we hear that buzz of the alarm. Trick your brain to get up rather than press snooze by practicing during the day.

Lie down in bed and set an alarm for only 3-5 minutes later. Take a few minutes of calm and relaxation in your bed until the alarm goes off. Then immediately get up out of bed. The more you train yourself to listen to, rather than ignore the alarm, the easier it will be to get up rather than stay asleep. 

Make Your Alarm Fun

Rather than having a blaring siren-like sound wake you up in the morning, pick your favorite song. Make sure the song is upbeat and not something you’ll want to fall back asleep to. You might even find yourself not wanting to turn off the alarm right away and instead wanting to throw an early morning dance party with yourself. Waking up can be fun!

Chase Your Alarm Clock

Technology is constantly coming up with the most innovative gadgets to solve our everyday problems. One of these gadgets is a moving alarm clock. This alarm clock will force you to get out of bed, move around to find the alarm, and shut it off. Once you’re up and moving, you’ll find yourself continuing to move through your morning routine rather than fall back asleep. After all, a body in motion stays in motion! 

Buy Now: Clocky The Mobile Alarm Clock

Drink Water

Right when you wake up, drink a big glass of water. We lose a ton of fluids when we sleep and it can leave us dehydrated and groggy. Have a water bottle or a large cup of water by your bed to drink right when that alarm goes off. Not only will this set you up well for the rest of the day, it’ll also give you that extra kick of energy right away. Plus, if all else fails, you’ll have to get up and use the bathroom soon enough after drinking that large glass.

Do Some Math Problems

There are many different apps out there purposely designed to get you up and out of bed in the morning. This app forces your brain to complete a math problem to turn your alarm off. They don’t even leave you with the option to snooze. The Math Alarm Clock app gets the gears in your brain turning from the second you hear that beep from your phone. This is a great way to get your mind thinking and starting the day. Plus, after all that mental exertion you probably won’t be able to lazily fall back asleep anyway.

Have a Buddy

You certainly aren’t the only one who has trouble waking up in the morning and escaping the comfort of your bed. Find someone with the same schedule as you for waking up and practice together. 

Call each other right when the snooze button goes off and wake the other up. This will motivate you because you’re not doing the task alone. Or have someone that naturally wakes up early be your motivator. It can be hard to will yourself out of bed alone, but having support will help make it easier. As you develop a consistent routine of getting out of bed, you can start doing the task without the help of your friends. 

Challenge Yourself

If you’re a competitive person, challenging yourself to not hit snooze for a set number of days may be just the thing for you. Before starting the challenge, make a reward to give yourself at the end of the challenge if you succeed. This will keep you motivated to get up and pass the challenge you set for yourself. 

Sleeping in can feel like the norm for many people. After all, sleep does feel good! However, if you implement these tricks into your morning routine, you’ll become a pro at promptly getting out of bed right as your first alarm sounds off.