15 Minute Full Body Workout Perfect for Your Lunch Break

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Working from home has its benefits. Sure, we love the ability to stay in cozy loungewear all day or make our own coffee all day long. However, it also has its drawbacks, most notably, the lack of an office gym. While there may be some individuals who have a separate at home fitness center, the majority of us do not. For that reason, we’ve found ourselves having to get a bit creative!

This at home workout is an easy way to get a total body workout in just 15 minutes. In fact, this bodyweight workout is full of exercises that easily can be done right in your home office! When the time comes for you to go back into the office, this workout can easily translate from a full body workout at home to a lunchtime desk workout.

15 Minute Full Body Workout Perfect for Your Lunch Break

This 15 minute workout incorporates upper body exercises with bodyweight leg exercises to get the heart rate up and build strength, all at the convenience of your home desk. The best part about this workout is that you can modify it to suit your needs. Slow the exercises down for a beginner bodyweight workout or increase the difficulty by adding in plyometric cardio bursts! This workout has it all and will quickly become your favorite daily strength workout.

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15 Minute Full Body Workout at Home Office

15 Minute Workout At Your Desk.jpg


5-10 Minute warmup and cool down of your choice.


This workout can be done anywhere. If you don’t want to use your desk for any of the movements, everything can be done on the floor or a yoga mat.

15 Minute Full Body Workout At Home or At the Office

Do one set of each round, spending 1:00 on each exercise. Add one minute of cardio of your choice between sets.

Lower Body Exercises:

Single Leg Sit to Stand

How-to: Start in a seated position, with your feet directly underneath your knees, body tall. Lift one foot from the ground so that all of your bodyweight is in one foot. Pressing through the foot, come to standing, making sure to squeeze your glutes at the top to bring your hips into full alignment. Slowly lower down.

Form tip: It can be really tempting to swing your body to gain momentum as you stand up. Avoid this by pressing into the foot on the ground and focus on slow, controlled movements.

Modification: Use the toe from the opposite foot to give yourself added balance and stability.

Side Lunge With Knee Raise

How-to: Take a wide step out to the side, sending the hips back. Make sure to keep the knee directly over the ankle and the chest lifted. Press through the lunging foot to come back to standing, bringing the knee up to balance on one leg. Hold for 2 seconds and then step out wide into the lunge again.

Form tip: Watch that your lunging leg does not extend out over your toes. If so, take a wider step.

Modification: Tap your toe before lifting your knee if you need added balance support. Or, take out the knee raise completely.

Air Squats

How-to: With feet just outside of the hips, press the hips back, keeping the chest tall, until your thighs become parallel with the ground. As you stand, engage the glutes at the top by squeezing to fully extend the hips before lowering down again.

Form tip: Make sure that the hips are going behind you. Your knees should not extend forward over your toes.

Modification: Use a chair for squats to give you a reference point for how low to squat.

Upper Body Exercises:

Alternating Arm Raises

How-to: Stand tall, with arms by your sides, palms facing your body. Lift both arms to the side, palms facing down, parallel to the ground. Bring the arms back to your sides, and then lift them forward, palms facing down, arms parallel with the ground. Continue alternating through this movement.

Form tip: Keep the core engaged to prevent arching in the back.

Challenge: Use weights to increase the difficulty.

Incline Pushups

How-to: Using your chair or your desk, place the hands just outside the chest, elbow flaring back at 45 degrees to your body. Slowly lower your body down to the desk, until your chest touches. On your exhale, press back up to the pushup position.

Form tip: Engage your core so that your body moves in one line. This prevents injury to the back.

Modification: Do pushups on a wall if you need to take pressure off sensitive wrists.

Shoulder Taps

How-to: Keep the same position as the previous exercise. Maintaining the plank position, touch the opposite shoulder with the opposite hand. Alternate.

Form tip: Keep your core engaged so that you can keep your body as still as possible. Avoid rocking through the hips!

Challenge: Speed this movement up for a cardio burst.

Slow Tricep Pushups

How-to: Keep the same position with your body as before, but move your hands closer to your body, with your elbows pointing behind you. Slowly lower the chest to the desk. On your exhale, press the body up.

Form tip: Like the incline pushups, avoid arching in the back.

Alternating Shoulder Press

How-to: Seated or standing, bring both arms together in front of you, palms and elbows together, arms parallel with the ground. Alternate extending each arm overhead.

Form tip: If standing, make sure to prevent arching through the back by squeezing to engage the core and glutes.

Modification: If you cannot bring your forearms to touch in front of you, keep them as parallel as possible.

Ab Exercises:

Seated In & Outs

How-to: Start seated on your chair and sit as close to the edge as possible. Place hands behind you, on either side of the chair, with elbows pointed backwards. Bring your knees into the chest. As you extend the legs long, lean back into your arms, bending the elbows, and creating length through your body. Bring the knees back into the chest.

Form tip: Press the legs away from your body as you extend, do not simply bend and extend the legs.

Modification: If you are unable to do this from a bench or chair, you can do this exercise from the floor.

Mountain Climbers

How-to: Starting in the same position as the pushups, alternate bringing each knee into the chest. Make sure that you are keeping the core as stable as possible.

Form tip: Do not round in the back as you drive the knees in.

Modification: You can always do this exercise on the floor. Simply ensure that your shoulders stack directly over your wrists.

Challenge: Move quicker to add in a cardio burst!

Mountain Climbers + Twist

How-to: Keeping the same position, modify only by touching the opposite knee to the opposite elbow.

Form tip: As before, do not round through the spine.

Challenge: Speed it up for a cardio burst!


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