The Best 30 Minute Full Body Workout At Home

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For this total body workout, which can be done at home, outdoors, or in the gym, we recommend using dumbbells. However, if you are a beginner, or just starting a workout routine, this home workout can be done without any equipment. The best part about these quick workouts is that these full body workout routines contain a variety of compound exercises which allow you to maximize the time that you spend at home or in the gym.

How Do You Workout the Whole Body in 30 Minutes?

Busy work and personal lives means many may have under an hour for a quality workout. You want to make the most of it! These circuits are meant to be short effective full body workouts to build muscle and lose weight. By combining upper and lower body movements into one exercise, we are able to maximize the work we are doing.

What is the Goal of this Workout?

A whole body workout is always optimal when you are limited on time because it is a complete workout. With specific exercises that target the upper body (bicep, triceps and shoulders) as well as the lower body (glutes, quads and hamstrings), we can create an efficient workout routine to build muscle and burn calories. Fit this workout anywhere in your normal weekly routine.

This workout is easily modified, which makes it perfect at home full body workout for beginners or advanced athletes.

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30 Minute Full Body Workout With Weights


5-10 Minute Warmup + Cool down of your choice.


You can include a mini band around your legs in the squat and deadlift exercises!

Increase the difficulty!

As always, you can increase the weight of your dumbbells or kettlebells. Want to make it more challenging? Slow down the tempo and focus on slow movements to really feel the burn!

Need a modification?

If you have sensitive wrists, you can come down to your forearms in any plank exercises. Additionally you can drop down to your knees if you need to reduce weight on your arms and shoulders. If the weight is too challenging, simply do the exercises without!

Full Body Exercises:

25 reps for each exercise.

Round 1:

Perform each exercise on both sides before moving to the next exercise.

Lunge + Bicep Curl

How-to: Start in a standing position, take one step forward, knee over ankle and drop into a low lunge, bending both knees at 90 degrees. Curl the weight to your shoulders at the bottom and then step back to standing. Perform all reps before switching sides.

Form tip: Keep the chest tall and core engaged by squeezing the glutes.

Single Leg Deadlift + Tricep Extension

How-to: Start in a standing position. Hinge at the waist, sending one foot backwards, creating a T-shape with your body.Bring your elbows to your sides, palms facing the body. Extend the arms long at the elbows, pinkies to the sky for the tricep extension. Return the arms and drop the back leg. Repeat on the same side.

Form tip: Slightly bend your knee (avoid locking it out!) as you hinge into the deadlift position. Find your balance before adding in the tricep extension.

Modification: Tap your back leg on the ground for added balance support.

Low Lunge Shoulder Press

How-to: Step out in a wide stance, bending both knees, keeping the chest tall. Sink to your lowest point, tilt the pelvis forward, squeeze the glutes and take the weights out to the side, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Without standing, press the weights overhead and bring them back to 90 degrees.

Form tip: Avoid arching the back by squeezing the glutes and keeping the front knee stacked over the ankle.

Round 2:

Squat + Lateral Leg Lift

How-to: In a standing position, with feet just outside of hips, weights pressing together in front of your chest, send the hips backward. As you stand and squeeze the glutes, lift the right leg out to the side. Bring feet back to starting and squat again, this time sending the left leg out as you stand.

Form tip: Make sure to avoid leaning into the standing leg. This works the muscles of the outer hip and thigh, but you need to keep your body vertical.

Straight Arm Traveling Curtsy Lunge

How-to: Start in a standing position, weights in each hand, arms out to the side, palms facing the ground. Step to the left side of your mat with your right leg behind, in a curtsy stance, bending both knees to sink low. Press through the back foot to stand and switch leg, stepping to the right side of your mat.

Form tip: Don’t let the forward knee open up at the hip, causing the knee to flare. Keep the knee directly over the ankle.

Modification: Drop the weights if you can’t keep them lifted the entire time.

Reverse Plank Leg Lift

How-to: Start in a seated position, hands behind you in line with your hips, fingertips pointed towards your body, legs long in front of you. Lift the hips into a reverse plank. Alternate lifting each leg. Keep the hips lifted through the entire exercise.

Form tip: Squeezing the glutes at the top will prevent the hips from dropping during this exercise.

Modification: For sensitive wrists, drop to your forearms.

Single Leg Glute Bridge

How-to: On your back, arms at your side, knees bent, feet into the mat. Lift one leg. Squeeze the glutes as you lift the hips and slowly lower down.

Form tip: Imagine keeping the bottom rib on the mat and don’t let your back arch.

Modification: Drop the foot and press up in a standard glute bridge.

Round 3: Core Circuit

Plank Row + Rotation

How-to: Start in a pushup position, shoulders stacked over wrists, core engaged and body in one long line. Row the weight to your armpit on one side and slowly lower down. On the same side, as you pick the weight back up, rotate the chest to the sky and bring the hand to face the ceiling. Return to center and repeat on the opposite side.

Form tip: Avoid rocking through the hips and core by squeezing and engaging the abs. The movement comes from the chest and core so keep feet planted.

Modification: For greater stability, widen the stance of the feet or drop to the knees.


How-to: Start in a plank position and lower the chest to the mat, elbows at 45 degrees to the body. Press through the hands to raise the body back to start

Form tip: The pushup is one of the best ways to build strength through the chest and shoulders. As you press into the plank, squeeze the abs to prevent arching in the lower back.

Modification: Drop to your knees.

Oblique Crunch

How-to: Start in a forearm side plank and press the hips up. With a weight in one hand, bring the top knee and elbow to touch, without dropping the hips.

Form tip: It can be really easy to let the hips rotate backwards so watch that you keep the hips pressed forward as you crunch in your side plank.

Inner Leg Lift

How-to: Lie on your mat, hand underneath your head for support, hips and knees stacked. Take your top leg and press it into the mat, toes pointed away from you. Your bottom leg should be underneath the knee of the top leg. Lift the bottom leg from the hip for an inner thigh workout.

Form tip: Press the top hand into the mat to prevent your chest from rolling backward. Avoid bending the knee and keeping the leg as long as possible.


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