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7 Ways To Get Excited About Exercise (Again!)

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We all know the benefits of working out, but not all of us are super motivated to do it regularly. In reality, it can be hard to keep up with a workout plan, especially when you get bored and then start skipping your workouts altogether. So, how do you get excited about exercise… again?

While it may be difficult to motivate yourself, there are many ways to spice up your workout plan and get excited about exercise. At the beginning of the year and throughout, you may have set some new health and fitness goals that will be accomplished if you stay focused and motivated. Discover below for various ways to get excited and to maintain it throughout the entire year.

How To Get Excited About Exercise 

Create Manageable Fitness Goals 

Regardless of the time of year, it is a good time to create fitness goals. However, be sure that they are manageable. Experts recommend, “Set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.” Following your own SMART goals helps you stay focused and not overwhelm yourself with intense, over-reaching ones. For example, if you are new to running and you want to run a marathon as one of your fitness goals, don’t schedule it within a month, but give yourself time to train and prepare (and avoid injury!).

You can set a mileage goal of 10 miles a week, then progressively work your way up. Small steps help you create and achieve your SMART goals. As you continue to check off these goals, you’ll feel better about yourself and feel more excited about your achievements. Consider downloading a wellness app or a fitness tracker for easy access.  

Find an Exercise Buddy 

Find an exercise buddy who will help keep you accountable, motivate you, and overall, make exercise more fun! Finding a workout partner is very beneficial and reminds you you’re not alone, especially if you’re working on the same fitness goals. Maybe it’s a 5K? Or a 30-day challenge?

Whatever it may be, having a workout buddy gives your exercise routine a social aspect, which can make working out more exciting. Consider enjoying a healthy meal together after exercising to keep you both motivated during the workout. Overall, maybe meeting up with your exercise buddy gives you something to look forward to during the week!  

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Reward Yourself

A fun way to get excited about exercise is to reward yourself for achieving your various fitness goals. This could be your monthly mileage goal, or if you went to the gym a specific number of times this week, or even running seconds faster than you did the day before. Whatever it is, giving yourself little gifts along your fitness journey can help you get excited to exercise.

Some reward ideas are buying a new matching workout set, treating yourself to your favorite dessert, or even taking a day off work for a day of self-care when you hit your milestones. Remember: reaching your smaller fitness goals is worth being recognized. So, make it worth it as you reward yourself for sticking to your exercise routine, and applauding your progress at the same time.

Create a Fun Playlist 

Having the best music can be a game-changer and have a positive impact on your workout. Create a fun playlist that excites you for a high-energy workout or a chill playlist that keeps you focused as you do strength training. Whatever your music taste, make sure it keeps you in the mood to keep going, keep pushing, and helps you accomplish your workout.

If you enjoy listening to and discovering new music, it can also be a great way to take time to listen to that new album closely. Whatever you decide to listen to, creating a special playlist is one way to stay excited about exercise!

Try a New Class 

Excite your exercise routine by trying out a new group workout class! Certified personal trainer, TJ Mentus, explains, “A great way to get excited about exercising is to try a form of it that you haven’t before. By participating in a new activity it will force your brain to be more alert and engaged as it tries to learn the new exercises and movements.”

Therefore, you can strengthen your whole body and your brain when you try out new exercises! Is there a workout class you’ve been thinking about for a while? Think of a dance class, acro yoga, boxing, pilates, or something you’ve never done before. Workout classes are usually only 30-60 minutes long—including warm-up and cool down—so they are certainly doable, even for the busiest schedules. Often, you can buy a single class to try it out and, in some gyms, the first one is even free! If you feel nervous about trying out a new class, just use those nerves as more motivation!

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Make it Part of Your Daily Routine 

Easily add exercise into your daily routine! This could be using the stairs instead of an elevator, taking a long way home when walking your dog, or doing exercises at your desk while you take a break in between your work. Again, exercise doesn’t always have to be intense or strenuous.

Certified Fitness Instructor, Sierra Ng, explains that one of the best ways to get excited about exercise is to, "Pick something that excites you or something that doesn’t feel intimidating and remember that exercise doesn’t have to be the world’s sweatiest, most difficult workout, but a 10 minute walk a day can be exercise!” Remember that even tiny steps can go a long way, especially if you remain consistent.

Mix It Up

Mix up your workouts and don’t do the same type of exercise every day; this even includes trying out different types of classes. Consider running by the beach one day, a yoga class another, strength training on yet another day, and maybe a long walk on your last day for a less strenuous workout. Changing up your workouts throughout the week helps challenge your body and your mind. Also, this prevents you from getting bored. The goal, after all, is to avoid monotony and to maintain your fitness journey.  

Getting your exercise and fitness journey started is the easy part, but committing to it is the challenge. Exercise is something worth getting excited about, so use these tips to help you commit and maintain your excitement to a healthier you. Remember working out is a way to maintain a healthy well-being and it’s not only about your physical appearance. Do what makes you feel good about yourself and remember to thank your body along the way!