The Mental Health Benefits of Having a Pet

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Having a pet means you’re never truly alone. Your pet is your faithful friend and trusted companion, but owning a pet can also be a big responsibility. You are your pet’s primary caretaker and it’s your job to ensure that his every need is met. While the weight of that responsibility can sometimes be tough to carry, your pet more than makes up for it by offering unconditional love and endless affection.

There’s no doubt having a pet makes your life a little fuller, but what you may not realize is that your pet could be taking care of you just as much as you are taking care of him. Pet ownership has been shown to provide both mental and physical health benefits—benefits that go above and beyond daily companionship. Here are some of the science-backed benefits of pet ownership and a few of the many ways your pet could be making you a happier and healthier person.

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5 Science Backed Benefits of Pet Ownership

Nothing compares to the love and affection you get from a pet. Your pet doesn’t see your flaws and weaknesses—you’re their favorite person and nothing you do will change that. As much as you make your pet’s life better by caring for him, your pet has the potential to improve your life simply by being in it. Pet ownership is scientifically proven to improve certain aspects of physical health and wellness.

Here are 5 ways having a pet is good for your health:

Interacting with a pet can decrease stress levels

Simply petting your cat or playing with your dog can increase the production of serotonin and dopamine in your brain which may help relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety.

Owning a pet may improve your outlook on life

We all have our own unique way of seeing the world, but people who have pets seem to have a more positive outlook on life. Having a more positive mindset cam be beneficial for your mental and physical health.

Caring for a pet could help you get more exercise

Pets need exercise just as much as people, if not sometimes more. Owning a dog in particular means taking daily walks and engaging in active playtime with your pet.

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Having a pet could improve your cardiovascular health

Numerous studies have shown that people who own pets tend to have fewer cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure or high cholesterol. People who own pets often have lower triglyceride levels as well, all of which can contribute to improved cardiovascular health and fewer heart attacks.

Owning a pet could strengthen your immune system

Pets tend to spend a lot of time outdoors, which means they bring all kinds of germs into your home with them. While this may sound like a bad thing, exposure to some of these germs could actually improve your immunity to mild illnesses. The results of a small study showed that petting a dog for just 18 minutes resulted in a significant increase in immunoglobulin (IgA) levels.

With all these benefits just waiting to be enjoyed, it’s no wonder roughly two-thirds (67 percent) of American households own a pet—that’s about 85 million families. Pet ownership has skyrocketed over the past few decades and there was a significant increase during the pandemic. According to a report from the Insurance Research Council, nearly 1 in 3 Americans adopted a pet during the pandemic.

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How Owning a Pet Improves Your Mental Health

The last year has been a difficult one and if you’re still feeling stressed, you’re not alone. In fact, nearly a year into the pandemic, 84% of Americans surveyed in a Harris Poll reported feeling at least one emotion related to prolonged stress in the prior two weeks, including anxiety, sadness, or anger. Even as things start to return to normal, many are still feeling the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news for pet owners is that having a pet could be a boost to your mental health.

Here are 5 ways pet ownership can benefit your mental health:

Having a pet helps create structure in your life

Pets thrive on routine, but they aren’t the only ones who can benefit from having a set schedule. Sticking to a daily routine can alleviate symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. If you’re dealing with depression , try creating a more structured daily routine around your dog’s feeding and exercise habits.

If you need a little extra help, you can always talk to an online psychiatrist for support.

Caring for a pet can strengthen your other relationships

Your pet is your best friend and biggest fan, but having a pet could help you improve your interpersonal relationships as well. Caring for a pet helps you develop interpersonal skills, such as patience and compassion, which you can apply to your human relationships.

Owning a pet provides opportunities for socialization

Pets make great conversation starters and you can always count on them to break the ice around new people. If you’re looking for socialization opportunities, take your dog to the dog park or set up a playdate in your home. At the very least, taking your dog for his daily walks will get you out of the house and into society.

Having a pet gives you an endless supply of love

We all get lonely from time to time, but having a pet means you’re never truly on your own. Pets provide unconditional love and constant companionship which can help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Owning a pet can help you build confidence

Whether you’re anxious about leaving home or struggling with general anxiety, having a pet can help you become more self-confident. Being a pet owner means putting your time and effort into another living thing—one who only sees the best version of yourself. A pet’s unconditional love can help you learn to be kinder to yourself.

Whether you’re a cat mom or a dog dad, having a pet in your life can make a big difference. There will always be challenges involved in pet ownership—no one loves scooping poop or cleaning the litter box—but simply having a pet in your life could improve your physical and mental health. Thank your pet today with a tasty treat and a little extra cuddle time – they deserve it!


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