10 Solo Date Ideas To Treat Yourself To Some Alone Time

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Much of the year can feel like a time dedicated to activities for couples and groups; it’s not easy to prioritize alone time. Taking yourself on a solo date—whether you’re in a relationship or not—can be a great opportunity to connect with yourself. Treat yourself to a solo date night and spend quality time with the one you’re always with—yourself.

Taking yourself on a solo date can feel intimidating at first. You may be used to going to restaurants or the movies in pairs or groups. Start with an activity you feel comfortable with and work your way up to feeling okay going solo to traditional date spots. Take a look at these solo date ideas and start with the activity that feels the most like what you typically like to do.

woman looking at books in a bookstore on solo date

Go to a Bookstore

Browsing through a bookstore can be a great way to find peace and quiet in a public area. While many pairs and groups also go to bookstores together, they’re actually ideal for solo dates. You can linger for however long you need and not feel pressured to move onto your date’s preferred genre. Once you find a book you like, buy it and head to a coffee shop to start reading. Many chain bookstores, like Barnes and Noble, have cafes within the bookstore for you to head to after finding your perfect read. You can also do this with a library, rather than a bookstore.

Cook Yourself a Meal

If you’re the type to eat out more than you eat in, make a night out of trying a new recipe. You can even set up the table with candles and your favorite show on the TV to keep you entertained while you enjoy your meal. If you find cooking a bit too stressful to consider it a good date idea, try baking. While its not any easier to make a great tasting dessert, mixing and baking some cookies to eat while lounging on the couch or taking a bubble bath may make for a more romantic night at home with yourself. Pair your meal with a nice bottle of wine, cocktail, or mocktail, and enjoy your own company. 

Netflix and Chill… Alone

Theres probably a show or movie you’ve been meaning to binge but haven’t made the time for. Have a little Netflix and chill session by yourself. You can also take it up a notch by incorporating a Finnish drinking tradition called Kalsarikänni—commonly referred to as “päntsdrunk”—which opts for drinking at home, alone, in your underwear, according to Pantsdrunk: The Finnish Path to Relaxation by Miska Rantanen. Nordic countries are revered for their happiness index and päntsdrunk tells you how to optimize the enjoyment of binging your next favorite show. Let yourself have the night off to do absolutely nothing but relax, enjoy your company, and drink—in your underwear. 

woman in black dress walking through museum on solo date

Go To a Museum

Museums can function in similar fashion to bookstores when planning solo dates. At both places you can wander around, go to the exhibits you like, and move at your own pace. Going to the museum solo can give you the opportunity to chase your interests and learn something new, all without considering another person’s interest. Be a little selfish and explore a museum for what you’re interested in. Plus, many museums are free, making it a cheap option that you can’t go wrong with.   

Take Yourself to The Movies

Movies can be another ideal spot for solo dates. After all, talking is a big taboo in the theater anyway, so it makes it a no-brainer spot to attend on your own. (Plus, going alone means you won’t have to share your concession snacks!) Pick a movie you’ve been looking forward to seeing and go for it. For an extra luxurious night, hit up a movie theater with reclining seats, food, and drinks. That way, you’re taking yourself out to both dinner and a movie, just like you would with a special someone.  

Hit Up a Restaurant

Going to a restaurant alone can be an intimidating venture. Restaurants are set up to accommodate couples and large groups of people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a table for one. Start by taking yourself to a restaurant you feel comfortable going to. This might be a more relaxed restaurant that has a more casual (instead of formal) feel.

It can also be a restaurant that you frequent regularly with others. Since you already know what you like to eat and how the layout is set up, you will know if it’s a place that you can enjoy on your own. Bring a book with you to enjoy while you wait on your food, and take time to savor your meal. It might feel odd at first, but soon you’ll be as comfortable with the notion of eating alone as a food critic is. 

solo date ideas head to a hotel

Head to a Hotel

If you’re looking to move to the next level of your relationship with yourself, book a hotel for the night. This can be an especially fun idea if you live with your significant other. Taking the night away and not sharing a bed with anyone can be a reinvigorating solo date. 

You can incorporate other solo ideas for this trip, such as going to a new restaurant or bookstore. By staying in town for a staycation or taking a trip a bit further away to do some exploring on your own, you can control the range in time, location, and budget. You become a pro solo-dater when you can take trips with no one but yourself.

Try a Hiking Trail

There’s nothing like being one with nature to pump up your spirit and connect with yourself. There are hiking trails for all levels of athleticism, making it a versatile activity that challenges all skill levels. You can choose to connect with yourself and listen to nature on your hike or download a podcast or audiobook and learn something new—or have some entertainment—along the way. 

woman hiking through canyon solo

The views will be well worth the trek, and you’ll naturally reduce stress and anxiety by spending the day surrounded by nature. Research has shown that spending time in nature naturally allows your body to reduce cortisol levels. If you aren’t an avid hiker, take this time to sit outdoors in nature and reduce any stressful thoughts swirling around.  

Take a Class

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a challenging, but rewarding experience. Think of something you want to learn but know nothing about. Admitting you’re a beginner and committing to something that interests you can be a great way to regularly spend time alone. The type of class can vary from fitness classes to classes on improving a skill (like art) to classes to learn something new. 

You can also find classes online that are free or cost a low fee. Try out platforms like Skill Share or Master Class to learn something new from experts in the field. You can also just spend a night with your computer and go down an online rabbit hole researching information on a topic you’re interested in. 

Go Thrift Shopping

Searching through a thrift store for the perfect find can give you a sense of accomplishment and help you source something you didn’t know you needed. Check out the clothes, accessories, books, and tons of small items at your local thrift store and find something that speaks to you. You can also take this as an opportunity to explore a new town by shopping at thrift stores or the local boutiques.

vintage shoes on a rack in a thrift store

You can only be a good friend and lover if you prioritize caring for yourself and your needs. If you can’t treat yourself with love and romantic gestures, you aren’t as able to receive these acts of love back. Open yourself up to love and self-care by taking yourself on a solo date every once and a while. You’re stuck with your mind every second of the day, so why not build a better relationship and take it on a date?


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